Jet Ski Collision Schedule a Free Consultation
Written by: Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers Last Updated : May 1, 2024

Dallas Jet Ski Collision Attorneys

Though jet skis, wave runners, and other personal watercraft are exciting and fun ways to enjoy summers on the water, riders and passengers could also suffer severe and potentially catastrophic injuries if they are involved in an accident. If you have been hurt in a jet ski crash, you may be forced to deal with life-changing injuries, excruciating pain, medical expenses, lost wages, and a variety of other challenges.

When an accident is caused by the carelessness or negligence of another person, reach out to a Dallas jet ski collision attorney for help. Through filing an injury claim, you may be able to hold the at-fault party responsible for any pain, expense, and loss you’ve incurred.

When you entrust your case to a skilled personal injury lawyer, your attorney will look at the facts of your case, evaluate all of your injury-related costs, and pursue a fair settlement to both offset your losses and account for future injury-related expenses.

The boat accident lawyers at Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers have been serving the Dallas community for years. We fight to make sure that injury victims and their families feel supported during the legal process. Because we understand the many ways that an injury can rob you of your financial and physical independence, we fight aggressively to make sure that we pursue an outcome that is fair to you.

At Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers, we pride ourselves on client service and excellent results. We have a 10.0 Superb rating on Avvo, the highest rating possible because we are committed to excellence, transparency, and communication. For many people taking the leap and hiring a lawyer is a big deal. Rest assured that when you choose our team, we make sure you’re taken care of. To discuss your situation with one of our lawyers, call (214) 777-7777 today.

Do I Need a Jet Ski Collision Lawyer?

In the days, weeks, and even months following a jet ski accident, the stress of your injuries can put a strain on your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. While hiring a lawyer may seem like yet another complication to manage, the truth is that the knowledge and skill of a lawyer can effectively alleviate some of your stressors. Your injury lawyer will communicate with you regularly and help establish a healthy expectation for the outcome of your case.

Additionally, your injury lawyer will help establish how much your claim is worth. Each case is unique, and your attorney will look closely at all of your financial and non-financial losses. Through evaluating all of the ways in which your injuries have transformed your life, a skilled lawyer will establish a figure for compensation that is commensurate with your situation.

While some injury claims are processed efficiently, this isn’t the case across the board. If the at-fault party is unwilling to accept responsibility, your claim may require more time to reach a satisfactory resolution. Despite any obstacles that arise, your attorney has the resources and knowledge to negotiate a settlement as quickly as possible. While reaching a settlement is typically the quickest way to resolve your claim, if the at-fault party disputes your claim, your lawyer will fight for you in court.

Why Hire Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers to Handle My Case?

The lawyers at Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers have been fighting for members of the Dallas community years. Time and time again, we’ve witnessed the many complications that injuries present to victims and their families. We understand that when you reach out to us, you are looking for support. Our team is committed to providing you with the guidance, representation, and practical information that you need when you’re struggling.

We fight for the underdog. If you are unsure about taking legal action, worried about the financial impact of hiring a lawyer, feel as if the at-fault party will try to intimidate you, we are here for you. In addition to offering free consultations, we also work on a contingency basis, which means that unless we win your case, you don’t pay us for our services.

Over the years, our team has won millions of dollars for our clients. As a result, we are members of both the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Results matter, and when we take your case, we are meticulous about figuring out how much you are owed and fighting for the maximum amount of compensation possible. While one accident can have far-reaching consequences on your life, we fight to make sure that you have the resources that you need to heal and move forward.

Dallas Jet Ski Collision Cases

Whether you were on the jet ski at the time of an accident or struck by a jet ski while in the water or aboard another watercraft, the physical consequences can be profound. A jet ski collision can cause the following injuries:

  • Head injuries
  • Concussions
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Drowning
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Broken Bones
  • Lacerations
  • Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Muscle Tears

According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, to operate a jet ski or another personal watercraft, the operator must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Be born before September 1, 1993
  • Be accompanied by a legal operator over the age of 18
  • Have passed a boater education class if born after September 1, 1993
  • Be at least 13 years old and have completed a boater education course

Life jackets are always required for those riding on jet skis, no matter age. Drowning incidents account for a majority of fatalities in Dallas waters. In the event of a jet ski collision, if you temporarily lose consciousness, your life jacket will keep you above water and very well could save your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are searching for the right attorney to handle your jet ski injury claim, we know you have questions. Our team at Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers has extensive experience across a variety of injury cases. We’ve answered nearly every question in the book. Read over some of our frequently asked questions, and reach out to a member of our team at (214) 777-7777 to discuss your concerns in more detail.

What is Comparative Fault?

Texas comparative fault laws account for each party’s responsibility in the incident. In some cases, one party may shoulder all of the blame. However, in Texas, even if you are partially at fault for the accident, you could still collect compensation as long as you are not found to be more than 50% at fault. The other involved party’s insurer, or lawyer, may attempt to hurt your legal standing by claiming that you are over 50% responsible for your injuries. Seek the help of a lawyer to ensure that your right to compensation is protected.

How Much Is My Claim Worth?

Numerous factors will influence how much compensation you can collect for your injuries. Each case is unique, so when determining the value of your claim, your lawyer may consider your lost income as well as your past, present, and future medical expenses, chronic physical pain, and any ongoing or permanent effects of your injury. The lawyers at Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers understand how important a fair settlement is to you, and we are committed to being open and transparent with you so that you understand how your claim is valued.

How Long Do I Have To File?

The statute of limitations requires you to file within two years from the time that you were injured. This requirement is meant to ensure that you receive the financial award that you deserve within a timely manner. If you fail to take action within two years, you have effectively forgone your right to take action against the at-fault party.

While you technically have two years to file, if you are able, it is best to reach out to a lawyer as soon as possible. Prompt action will help with investigative measures as well as the efficient resolution of your claim.

What If My Loved One Was Killed In a Jet Ski Accident?

Losing a loved one in an accident is devastating. Depending on the role that your loved one played in your family, you may have lost the main earner, a mentor, or an important source of emotional support. In Texas, typically surviving family members such as a spouse, child, or parent can file a wrongful death claim.

Compensation from a wrongful death claim account for a variety of financial and non-financial factors such as lost earnings lost companionship, mental and emotional anguish, and lost inheritance. In the state of Texas, you have up to two years from the time of your loved one’s death to file a wrongful death claim.

Reach Out to a Jet Ski Collision Attorney Today

Our team is all-too-familiar with how carefree recreation can turn deadly. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a jet ski collision, the lawyers at Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers are here to help. The aftermath of a jet ski accident can be confusing, leaving you feeling completely overwhelmed. We want to help you make sense of your situation so that you can access the resources that you need and move on with your life. For a free case evaluation, call us today at (214) 777-7777.

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