What to Do If You’ve Been Injured in a Rideshare Accident Schedule a Free Consultation
Written by: Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers Last Updated : May 1, 2024

What to Do If You’ve Been Injured in a Rideshare Accident

Cities worldwide are starting to take the direction that Seattle is taking, where more than three times as many riders choose Uber and Lyft over taxis. That means that more people than ever are getting in the backseat of a stranger’s car, and the chances of getting in a Lyft accident are high. If you’ve been in an accident in a ridesharing vehicle, you need to know what to do next. Call our personal injury lawyers today for a free consultation if you’ve been injured in a Lyft accident.

Here’s everything you need to know.

How Ridesharing Differs

While ridesharing services operate similarly to taxi services, there are some big differences. Aside from the way that you order them or how you pay, there are lots of tracking elements that create a strong framework for any legal case. Everything is timestamped, which allows you to have documentation every step of the way.

While they are faster and more convenient sometimes, they’re not always safer than taxis while on the road. Some drivers are inexperienced and don’t have the kind of knowledge that can keep a cab driver out of danger. The coverage when riding with a ridesharing driver is also different than when you’re in a taxicab.

Many riders wonder whether or not they can sue their Lyft driver. Your legal options aren’t quite as clear as when you’re in a traditional cab or driving alone.

Since Uber and Lyft don’t hold domain over the cars, the drivers operate independently. They’ve considered independent contractors driving personal vehicles. This makes the concept of insurance coverage around accidents hard to figure out.

If you need help figuring out what to do after an accident in a rideshare, turn to the experienced rideshare accident lawyers at Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers. Call us at (214) 777-7777 to set up a free consultation.

Find Out Who Is Liable

Liability is hard to pin down in a ridesharing accident. Thankfully there are a few key ways to tell.

If you fall under the liability of Uber or Lyft, you’ll be covered by a one-million-dollar liability policy that covers all of their drivers. This covers both the driver and any passengers.

If you suffered any injury, it might apply to this claim. If you missed work because of your injuries or endured pain and suffering, you can claim losses. This can include everything from the initial medical bills to any therapy or recuperative costs that you had.

However, you can’t make a claim if the driver struck you but wasn’t driving for the service at the time. Drivers need to contact their car insurance if they end up in an accident with a ridesharing driver not logged in and accepting rides.

Contact the Witnesses

One major flaw in Uber and Lyft liability coverage is whether a passenger was in the car. If you are struck by a driver with a passenger in the car, you must get their name and information. They’re a valuable witness in the accident who the insurance company will surely want to speak with.

However, if there was no passenger in the car at the time, even if the driver was logged in, you might not be able to get coverage.

There’s contingent liability coverage when the driver’s insurance plan doesn’t offer coverage or enough coverage. This coverage allows for $50,000 in fees per person who was injured, with a maximum cap of $100,000. This might be too little, depending on the kind of accident you had.

If there were witnesses but no passengers, they could help to win the right amount of damages from the driver’s insurance. If you suffered serious losses or damages following your accident, this might be just a small fraction of what you lost.

Passengers Can Contact the Company

As a passenger, you can contact the company itself. Their ridesharing liability insurance covers you at the time of a ride. They cover $1 million in liability and another million for uninsured and underinsured passengers.

Even if another driver caused the accident, ridesharing companies step in to pick up the slack. They’re willing to cover the injuries and losses the other insurance company should cover.

Be aware that every insurance company will try to pay as little as possible. That means you need to have strong documentation to prove you’re owed what you’re looking for.

If You’ve Been Injured in a Lyft Accident, You May Need To File a Lawsuit

You should deal with multiple insurance companies when an accident happens with a ridesharing driver. This a frustrating and stressful situation to be in as someone is injured. Even dealing with your insurance company can be a pain in the neck.

Juggling the companies can be confusing, and not all companies will be focused on giving you fair compensation. If you’re injured in an auto accident, attorneys can help you to file the kind of suit you need to file to get fair payment.

Standing up to an insurance company is no small feat. Unless you’ve got a lawyer on your side, you could be stressed out. Hire a lawyer who you can trust so that you get the compensation that you deserve.

A Lyft Accident Can Happen To Anyone

If you’re injured in a Lyft accident, you might feel like you’re up the creek without a paddle. Knowing who is at fault and who you can sue without ending up in court forever is challenging. You might feel bad pursuing a lawsuit. But it is often the best way to get the full compensation you need after a rideshare accident.

The experienced personal injury and rideshare car accident lawyers at Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers know how to assemble a strong case and get the compensation you need to recover from your injuries. Our lawyers have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for our clients, and we are ready to help you do the same.

If you need help filing your lawsuit, contact us today.

Ready to get the help you deserve? Call (214) 777-7777 or

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