
Paragard Lawsuit Attorney in Dallas

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Today, women have a wide variety of options to choose from when it comes to birth control. However, those making a responsible choice about their health or family planning find that not all options are as safe as they first appear. Unfortunately, since its introduction in the 1980s, the FDA has received thousands of complaints about the safety of the Paragard IUD birth control device. These complaints point to complications and side effects that the drug’s manufacturer had not disclosed to women.

The negligent actions of the manufacturer of Paragard may have jeopardized the lives and fertility of countless women in the U.S. If you have experienced serious complications, such as the device breaking while in use or upon removal, you need a compassionate and experienced Dallas drug injury lawyer.

Don’t hesitate to contact the legal team at Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers to discuss your options. You may be owed financial compensation for the damage this device has caused you. It is also important to tell big-business that they can’t get away with risking consumer safety for profit. Call us at (214) 777-7777 to discuss your situation and how we can help.

Table Of Contents

    What Is Paragard?

    The Paragard IUD is a non-hormonal, copper birth control device. It can provide a woman with long-term pregnancy prevention for up to ten years. The device is T-shaped and includes a plastic frame with copper wire coiled around it. A physician inserts the device into the uterus, where the device can prevent sperm from reaching and fertilizing an egg.

    The device first received FDA approval in 1984 and has been touted as a safe and effective birth control option. It has become a popular birth control choice at over 99 percent effective, hormone-free, and a one-time in-office visit for placement. Unfortunately, as its use has become more popular, more and more women found that using the Paragard IUD was more complicated than the manufacturer may have led them to believe.

    The Problems Associated With Using Paragard

    Serious problems with the Paragard IUD started to emerge when women went to have the IUD removed. In some cases, during the removal process, the IUD was susceptible to breaking apart. There are documented reports of this happening to several women during removal. There are also documented medical reports describing incidents where the IUD had not held up to its expected lifespan. Again, the manufacturer claims that the device can be safely worn and prevent pregnancy for up to ten years.

    When the device itself breaks, it can become embedded in the uterus. The copper threads also had the ability to unwind or fray. These pieces could not only embed themselves in the uterus but can also cause perforations to the uterus or migrate to other parts of the body. Removing these broken pieces typically requires surgical intervention, a frightening and expensive process.

    Another potential problem of using the Paragard IUD is the risk of ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg implants itself outside the uterus, typically in a fallopian tube, but an egg can also implant in the abdominal cavity or cervix. A fertilized egg cannot properly grow anywhere but the uterus. An untreated ectopic pregnancy can lead to a ruptured fallopian tube and other serious consequences that may be life-threatening or lead to a loss of fertility.

    Side Effects and Health Complications

    Surgery to remove and retrieve the broken pieces of a Paragard IUD can be an overwhelming experience. What is often touted as a simple in-office procedure becomes a lengthy medical process that can cause stress and financial hardship to a patient. However, surgery is not the only side effect or complication associated with the Paragard IUD. Other complications and side effects of the device that have been reported include:

    • Perforated or torn uterus
    • Infection
    • Internal scarring
    • Damage to internal organs
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Surgical interventions
    • Loss of fertility

    Why You Need a Lawyer

    Paragard Lawsuit Attorney in DallasYou take your health and safety seriously. You talked to your doctor, researched, and believed the birth control option you selected was safe and effective. Then you made a responsible decision about your health, which has now cost you physically, emotionally, and financially.

    Unfortunately, many patients were not properly warned about the potential risks of device breakage or the potential serious side effects of using Paragard. Data collected by the FDA finds that there have been over 40,000 reports of adverse reactions from device usage; this includes over 16,600 serious cases and 15 deaths. Complications of Paragard failure can include infections, inflammation, scarring, hysterectomy, and death. These serious medical conditions can result in thousands of extra and unforeseen medical expenses and can take a serious emotional toll on victims.

    Manufacturer’s responsibilities

    Manufacturers have a responsibility to produce safe and effective consumer products. They are also responsible for telling consumers the truth about the safety and effectiveness of their products. When a company is negligent and fails to warn the public about the safety of its medical device and causes people to suffer serious consequences, that company may be held liable for the damage. Billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies should not be excused for their failures and given a free pass. They should be held accountable. Women who have been hurt or injured by the Paragard IUD may be able to recover valuable compensation for their medical expenses and emotional distress.

    At Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers, we are committed to helping women recover the financial compensation they deserve. Our experienced and qualified legal team has the clout and the resources to take on giant drug companies. We aren’t afraid to go head-to-head with these conglomerates if we protect your rights and fight for what you deserve. We believe what you deserve from a company is honesty, respect, and fair compensation for your injuries.

    Count on Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers When You Need Help

    The lawyers with Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers understand the difficult situation you are in. A medical device that you trusted as a safe and effective birth control option has left you injured and with unexpected medical bills. You are dealing with an overwhelming and traumatizing experience because of corporate greed and negligence.

    The manufacturer of Paragard advertised their product as safe, but your experience using it has been anything but safe. If you are interested in learning more about your legal options and how the team at Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers may be able to help you seek compensation for your injuries, contact us today at (214) 777-7777. We are here to defend your rights and hold pharmaceutical giants accountable for risking consumer safety.

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